Personalized Memorial Wind Chimes,Sympathy Gift After Loss of Mom Dad or Loved One,Tree Design
Send this memorial Wind Chimes as unique memorial gifts to help deal with losses. Personalized wind chimes will become precious memories. In memory of a loved one, help them remember all the memories and precious moments they spent together.
Personalization Details
Side A:
Please provide: Name, Date of birth/ death
Side B:black
If you want to switch to customized content, you need to contact us for additional customization.
Wind Chimes Details:
· Size available: 24/30/36/44 inches
· Color Choices: Black, Rose Gold, Silver, Bronze, Green
· 6 aluminum powder-coated tubes
· Hand-tuned by our professional tuning experts to achieve superior musical performance.
· Thick tubes create longer deep tones.
The wood of the plates and the sail is specially treated to be waterproof and resistant to cracking and bending, so it can maintain beauty for a long time even if it is placed outdoor.